Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Theoretical Foundations For Accounting †
Question: Discuss about the Theoretical Foundations For Accounting. Answer: Introduction According to MCA (2018) the central government can notify and formulate a National Financial Reporting Authority to supervise the issues pertaining to accountancy and auditing standards under section 132 of the Companies Act, 2013. The NFRA can recommend for the establishment of certainaccounting and auditing standards for their implementation on certain companies or their auditors. Also, it has the right to monitor and supervise the implementation of the regulations on the stated companies. The necessity for establishing NFRA has arisen due to the increase in theaccounting scams. It would thereby establish independent regulators and implement the auditing standards. It would further make sure that the audit empowers the independence of auditing firms thereby increasing investor and public confidence in the fiscal disclosures of the company. The establishment of NFRA would result in improved foreign and domestic investments, assisting in the globalization of business, the future development in the auditing profession and the development of economic growth. So, in this report, the literature review regarding the implementation of NFRA with the research problems and aims of the project will be explained. Also the explanation of theaccounting theories and techniques used in the collection of data and its outcomes will be assessed. Literature review According to Press Information Bureau (2018) the reasons for formation of NFRA are the increase in the number ofaccounting scams. Also, government of India wanted to establish independent regulatory authority for the implementation of auditing standards. This institution would make sure that the quality of audits empowers the independence of auditing firms and the quality of audits. It would therefore increase the investor and public confidence in the financial revelation made by the companies. As per the opinion of Usman (2017) the reasons for establishing NFRA were to incorporate transparency, corporate fairness and responsibility among the commercial institutions. The rise of corporate scams such as the Satyam scam and the PNB Fraud has led to the incorporation of corporate governance in India. It has encouraged the companies and the Government of India to emphasize on transparency and efficiency in the companies for their success, consistency and development. According to Sidharthal (2018) the scam of Punjab National bank has encouraged the government in establishing a new body to control and monitor the activities of the independent auditors and the auditing functions. Due to the conflict of interest with the ICAI and to align the auditing functions with the best international practices, the government has decided to set up a new authority to regulate the auditing functions of the listed and large unlisted companies. As per MCA (2016) NFRA is an independent regulatory authority under Companies Act, 2013. Its function and role is to implement and enforce the accounting and auditing standards and to monitor the work of the auditors. It is empowered to expel the auditors or the auditing firms in case of any frauds committed by them up to a period of 10 years with the imposition of heavy monetary penalties. Also, NFRA will assist in enhancing the foreign and the domestic investments, supporting globalization by aligning the Indian Accounting and Auditing Standards with the international practices and increasing the economic growth. According to Companies Act, 2013, the role and function of NFRA would be to recommend the formation and implementation of the auditing and accounting policies and standards to the Central Government (Mitra, 2016). The role of NFRA according to the Companies Act, 2013 is to recommend the formation and implementation of accounting and auditing policies and standards to the Central Government. Also, its responsibility is to regulate and implement the compliance with the auditing and accounting regulations and to supervise the quality of service delivered by the professionals. It further suggests the measures for improvement in the quality of services delivered by the professionals in this regard (India Filings, 2017). The role of NFRA is to examine the occurrence of the frauds either suo moto i.e. on its own or on the recommendation made by the Central Government regarding the issues of professional misbehavior performed by any professional affiliated by the ICAI. It has the supreme authority to solely investigate the matter. Also, its role will be the same as conferred to a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 in the matters pertaining to detection and production of the accounting books of the firm. Also, it has the authority to call and administer the presence of individuals and to investigate them on pledge. Its role is to assess any books and financial records of any individual referred in the case. It can also issue commissions for the verification of the witnesses or records. As per Baldwin and Black (2016) the key factors influencing the establishment of NFRA are the risk based methodology and the problem centric monitoring techniques of the committee establishing the body. Due to the recent failure of the auditors to access the Rs.12636 crore PNB fraud committed by the firms of Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi provoked the government to approve the proposal to establish the NFRA. The rising number of accounting scams and the establishment of the independent regulators for the implementation of the auditing standards have given rise to the establishment of NFRA. Also, the application of the best quality services and their monitoring to improve and empower the independence of the audit firms has led to the origination of NFRA (Kattel, Kregel and Tonveronachi, 2015). The establishment of NFRA is a large step taken by the government of India to regulate the financial audits and in the prevention of scams in large listed and public unlisted companies .It would also examine other public entities where public interest is involved. Also, the establishment of the International Form of Independent Audit Regulators (IFIAR) in 2006 has led to the establishment of an independent audit regulator in India as well. The Government of India wants to align its auditing services with the international best services (Raghavan, 2018). NFRA is a monitoring body. It is not establish to replace any existing body such the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. It will cover all the listed bodies and public unlisted bodies with a net worth or a paid up capital of more than or equals to Rs. 500 crores or an annual turnover of more than or equals to Rs.1000 crores as on 31st March of the last financial year would be eligible for the verification of its operations by NFRA. Also, its composition would be one Chairman appointed by the representatives of the government who would be an experienced person having an experience of not less than 25 years in the field of accountancy, auditing , finance or law. Three members would be full time members and they would be having the same qualifications as that of the chairman. Apart from this, 9 additional members would also be appointed in the NFRA (National Audit Office, 2015). The research problem/objective/ research questions What are the reasons for the establishment of National Financial Reporting Authority of India? What would be the role and functions of the National Financial Reporting Authority of India under Companies Act, 2013? What would be the factors influencing the establishment of this body? What would be the possible outcomes of the establishment of the National Financial Reporting Authority of India? Identification and explanation of the accounting theory adopted by NFRA Some of the accounting theories which would be adopted by NFRA would be the Positive Accounting Theory, Normative Theory and Public Interest Regulatory Theory. The positive accounting theory attributes to making predictions of the real world events and transforming them into accounting transactions. It explains the actions regarding the selection of the accounting policies by the firms and their reaction towards the newly proposed accounting standards. It intends to comprehend and forecast the selection of accounting standards across various firms. It further evaluates the economic consequences relating to the adoption of the accounting standards (Deloitte, 2017). Under the positive accounting method, the firms enhance their prospects for survival so they organize their activities in an efficient manner. As a result the firms will lessen their contract costs such as negotiation and monitoring costs. Normative theory is based on how the accounting processes are executed and it is not based on observations. This theory adopts various accounting approaches to end up to an appropriate accounting opinion. It informs the policy makers about the actions to be taken which are based on a theoretical principle. It starts with a theory and reduces itself to specific policies. For example, before the financial crisis, the securities owned by the bank were accounted for in the same way to real estate and other assets. But post financial crisis the accounting policies were altered and the financial assets were revalued at their current market values. This created unrealized gains and losses for the banks which proved to be a major driver of profit and loss (Loureno and Branco, 2015). It proved to be a major change in the accounting policies which would be driven by the principle not by the accounting treatment. A normative accounting theory pursues some basis of accounting measurement, specifically the accounting procedures and the contents of the financial reports. It is a type of deductive theory which initiates from goal assumptions and accounting procedures are derived from it. So there are two crucial elements of the normative theory viz. assumption of the goal and deduction (Ilias, Abdulatiff and Mohamed, 2016). Public Interest Regulatory Theory safeguards the benefits of the public at large. It is a concept related to welfare economics which justifies the implementation of regulations. It states that the market is categorized on the basis of certain aspects such as asymmetric information, externalities and imperfect competition which can be rectified through the use of regulation. It is based on assumptions such as the regulators should ensure perfect enforcement of the accounting policies .The regulators are inspired by social interests and interfere in the market to improve its situation. According to this theory the regulation of the firms and other economic factors promote the public interest (Alemi and Pasricha, 2016).The basic assumption of this theory is that the markets are prone to threats hence they operate inefficiently. These basic accounting theories are followed by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). SO there would be a harmonization between the IFRS and NFRA (Srinivasa and Malyadri, 2015). Research Methodology and Analysis and Discussion of the Results The research methodology can be efficient to recognize the mechanisms which will be necessary to accomplish the aims and purposes of research (Long, 2014). The following procedures are implemented in the research methodology: Research strategy The researcher will prepare the literature review and assess the data collected from the secondary sources such as online sources and newspaper articles to retrieve the appropriate information to complete the research. The data collected from the newspaper articles and online sources shall be analyzed to evaluate the purpose for the establishment of NFRA while in the literature review method, the researcher shall accumulate theoretical data towards the issue of the research (Ferreer et al., 2017). Research design The researcher will apply qualitative approaches to get the appropriate results in less cost and time. The secondary source of data such as web documents and newspaper articles shall be used for analyzing the data (Teherani et al., 2015). Data Collection Methods The researcher shall utilize the secondary data collection method. A researcher shall utilize the secondary data collection method to gather information pertaining to the matter of research (Olivier, 2017). The secondary collection data shall be utilized by the researcher to gather the information from the current references such as offline sources, books, journals and government publications (Lowry, 2015). Data Analysis Method The data analysis method applied by the researcher will assist him to assess the gathered information and analyze its results. The researcher will implement the qualitative data analysis methods for assessing the gathered information for this research (Bthe and Jacobs, 2015). Use of secondary data such as newspapers and web sources to conduct the research According to The Economic Times (2018) the cabinet has approved to establish an independent authority National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) which will have the power to act against the erroneous auditors and auditing firms. Under the Companies Act, 2013 the decision to formulate NFRA has come when the auditors have failed to implement a check against the emerging scams. The scams including the Rs. 12636 crores scam of the Punjab National Bank are a recent example to this. NFRA would act as a watchdog for the auditors and it would be conferred with all the powers of ICAI, once it is established. It would act as a self-governing controller for the auditing profession. The jurisdiction of NFRA would extend to all the listed companies along with the large unlisted companies .Also, it has the power to expel the erroneous auditors up to a time period of 10 years besides imposing heavy monetary penalties (India Fillings, 2017). It will constitute 15 members out of which 1 shall be the chairperson along with 3 full time members and a secretary. As per section 132 of the Companies Act, 2013 it has been conferred the power to impose a penalty of Rs. 1 Lakh which can be extended up to 5 times of the fees received by the erroneous auditor. For the firms a minimum penalty of Rs. 10 Lakh shall be imposed which could go up to 10 times of the fees received by the firm. The Chairperson shall be a Chartered Accountant who will be an experienced person in the field of accountancy, auditing, finance and law. The members shall be skilled in accounting and auditing. Also, it shall include one ex officio member of MCA who will not be below the Joint Secretary or its equal designation. One representative of RBI shall also be appointed by RBI and one nominee of the SEBI shall be appointed by SEBI. A retired Chief Justice of High Court or a person who has been a judge of High Court for a period of 5 years shall be nominated by the Central Government. The President of the ICAI of India who is an ex officio shall also be appointed amongst the members of NFRA. The structure of the Authority shall constitute three committees namely the Accounting Standards Committee, The Auditing Standards Committee and the Committee on Enforcement. The NFRA shall receive the suggestions from the Committee on Accounting and Auditing Standards. It shall reflect and assess on its deliberations and grant an opportunity of being heard on any clarity required by it. It has the power to modify the standards and suggest the Central Government regarding their consideration (Business Standard, 2013). The NFRA shall receive the reports from the Accounting and Auditing Standards Committee and has the power to accept the reports regarding the investigated companies. It can advance the reports to the Enforcement Committee for further actions along with the suggestions if any (Standing Committee on Finance, 2016). The NFRA can receive the cases from the Central Government for examination. It can accept, reflect and decide upon any suggestions from the members of the auditing and accounting committees for the examination to be carried out for the administration and compliance of the auditors or their firms under the given case. It has the power to suo moto decide the verification to be undertaken by the authority. It can receive the report on final investigation from the committee of enforcement on the cases referred to it, arising out of the quality review process or on the request of examination made by the Committee of Enforcement. It has the power to issue a written notice in writing to the company or the branch to be investigated or to the professional on whom the action is supposed to be taken. It can grant an opportunity of being heard to the company or branch or professional on whom the action is to be taken. It can receive or refuse to accept the explanations received or oppositions rose. It can take appropriate actions or pass orders to penalize or debar the professional or the concerned firm. The NFRA can investigate or execute the quality review of the audit of the listed companies, unlisted companies with the net worth and paid up capital of not less than Rs. 500 crores and annual turnover of not less than Rs. 1000 crores as on 31st March of the previous financial year or the companies having securities listed outside India. The accountabilities of the NFRA are to make suggestions to the Central Government regarding the formation and implementation of the procedures relating to the accounting and auditing principles and guidelines to be adopted by the companies or class of companies or their auditors. Also, it should regulate and supervise the compliance of the accounting policies and standards as the case may be. It has been allocated with the responsibility of quality of service rendered by the professionals and make recommendations regarding the improvement of the quality (ICAI, 2018). The jurisdiction of the NFRA for the examination of the activities of the Chartered Accountants and their firms has been extended up to listed companies and large unlisted companies .Also, if the Central Government deems fit , it can handover the case of any entity in which public interest is involved. As per the draft NFRA regulations, the unlisted companies with net worth and paid up capital of not less than Rs. 500 crores or annual turnover of not less than Rs. 1000 crores as on 31st March of the previous financial year would be under the surveillance of NFRA. Also, the companies having their securities listed outside India would come under the compliance of NFRA. However, the private and unlisted companies apart from the above mentioned companies would come under the vigilance of ICAI which would conduct the audits of these companies. The powers of NFRA are to examine either suo moto or by the recommendations made by the Central Government regarding the matters of professional or other misconduct committed by any member or the firm of Chartered accountants listed under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949. No other body would initiate the actions against the accused member or the firm if NFRA has started the investigation under this section (Business Standard, 2016). Similar powers have been vested on NFRA as conferred to the Civil court under the Code of Civil Procedures 1908 while examining a case with respect to the examination and production of books of accounts as may be stated by NFRA. It can also call and implement the attendance of witnesses and investigate them on oath. It can verify the books and registers of any individual referred. Also, it can issue commissions for the verification of the persons or documents. The head office of NFRA will be situated in New Delhi and the NFRA will meet at such places in India according to the requirement of the case (EY, 2014). Conclusion and Contribution of the Study Hence, to conclude, it can be said that the study has contributed to analyze and assess the various aspects regarding the establishment of NFRA. The researcher has analyzed various dimensions of the study and concluded that NFRA has been empowered with regulatory powers to assess and mitigate the accounting and financial scams occurring in India. According to Section 132 of the Companies Act, 2013, Central Government shall establish NFRA to provide advice regarding the issues of accounting and auditing. NFRA has been conferred with the powers to examine the matters related to professional misconduct committed by the members or the firms of the Chartered Accountant firm. It is the supreme authority to regulate and administer the accounting standards and auditing policies. It is also empowered to supervise the quality of service related to the compliance of accounting standards and the auditing procedures. It can also suggest the measures to improve the quality of service delivered by the professionals. Also, NFRA has the equivalent powers to that of a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. It can execute its powers related to detection and production of financial documents. It can call and implement the attendance of the witnesses and investigate them on oath. It can penalize the erroneous auditing firms and professionals and debar any member of ICAI for a period extending up to 10 years due to professional misconduct. References Alemi , T.D. and Pasricha , J.S.(2016) IFRS: A Solution for Variations of Accounting Standards .The International Journal of Business Management.4(2),pp. 184-189. Baldwin, R. and Black, J. (2016) Driving Priorities in Risk-based Regulation: What's the Problem? Journal of Law and Society. 43(4), pp. 565-595. 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